Base Packaging BV
Nieuweweg 10
2675 BC Honselersdijk
CO² calculator
The CO² calculator gives you and your customers insight into the amount of CO² emitted based on size, thickness and number of bags/consumption per year. This question will be answered immediately; the result of the CO² calculator will show you how much CO² you are currently emitting and the CO² you will take in when using the Bio-Base(d)® bags. Finally, we show you the total CO2² gain you will achieve by switching to Bio-Base(d)® plastics. You will be amazed by the outcome!
You can always use the CO² calculator during your meeting with your client; visit our website together with your client, fill in the data and get an instant and on-site insight into how much CO² your client emits and how much environmental gain can be achieved; a handy sales "tool" for all your sales staff and advisors!
You can always use the CO² calculator during your meeting with your client; visit our website together with your client, fill in the data and get an instant and on-site insight into how much CO² your client emits and how much environmental gain can be achieved; a handy sales "tool" for all your sales staff and advisors!
Do you have any questions or would you like a no-obligation quotation? Or make an appointment with one of our product advisers, please contact us!
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